
George carlin youtube but he loves you
George carlin youtube but he loves you

Hope the roof you've been flung onto isn't that hot. I always wondered if the death of his first wife had something to do with it.

george carlin youtube but he loves you

So much so that I turned off his last HBO special about 10 minutes in. Not sure if anyone can shed some light on it, but I noticed Carlin's humor shifted to very dark and mean spirited in the last decade or so of his life. Carlin was a master of words and his love of language is what made me fall in love with his work. what I enjoy about Carlin is that he clearly LOVES the English language. That same week the ever-loyal I-Man (who can still kick a book's butt up the best seller list) did a nice spot with George's bro Patrick, USA Today ran a great review, NPR's Talk of the Nation enjoyed an unprecedentedly (for them) laugh-filled half hour with Rebecca Roberts (who has a. It's an amazing run of albums and even though it is close to 40 years old, still makes me laugh. -every youtube comment references that he’s dead and that the fact that he’s dead makes them said. Just shy of three months ago (November 10th) George Carlin's 'sortabiography' Last Words was published. Talk about straight talk George Carlin became a comedy legend doing just that, with a stand-up act that. George Carlin talks to HuffPost about why he loves Bill Maher and Keith Olbermann, what he sees in Fox News, and why hes surprisingly unjaded about the Obama phenomenon.

george carlin youtube but he loves you

It caused me to purchase Classic Gold, which is a compilation of Carlin's FM & AM, Occupation Foole, and Class Clown. George Carlin Reads More Blogs Than You Do. I remember hearing bits and pieces of Carlin for years (I was 3 months old when FM and AM was recorded, so I missed its first run) but I didn't really begin to know and love the man until college when I pulled an album off the shelf of WTBU-640 (heard only in a 150 foot radius of the speaker where the station was located) and I heard this: Don't ask me why, but this bit and this album have stuck with me for years. I did meet Dody a few times, and she was just as off-the-wall, naturally irrepressibly funny in life as on TV. (How did "Asshole" and "Jism" not make the list? NBC will still frown on your using them.) And then, to lose charming, daffy, delightful Dody Goodman the same day. In my piece, I honored him by employing all 7 words, and a few additional ones. And if you do any of these ten things, he. And the invisible man has a special list of ten things he does not want You to do.

george carlin youtube but he loves you

But He loves You Religion has actually convinced people that there's an invisible man - living in the sky - who watches everything you do, every minute of every day. I never met him, but I always heard that he treated everyone, from star to parking attendant, as an equal. George Carlin: God will send you to burn forever. (Holland?) He's ceased to exist, and we are all the poorer for it. Peter (and would be appalled that anyone said he did) as George knew that he wasn't moving on, passing on, or going to a better place. I respected George for, among so many things, being too smart to fall for The God Lie and not shying away from saying so. I called him a "World Class bullshit Detector" in the tribute piece I posted on my flog as well.

George carlin youtube but he loves you